This page models circulating currents on the neutrals of single-conductor cables used in a three-phase circuit. The circulating current is driven by the voltage induced on the neutral from the phase conductor. Circulating currents are worse with larger conductors and with wider separation between cables. Two configurations are given: (1) cables in separate ducts and (2) all three cables in the same duct. An optional neutral can also be given.
#: script=scriptloader
- lib/numeric-1.2.6.min.js
- lib/math.min.js
#: jquery=dform
class : form
- type: div
class: row
- type: div
class: col-md-4
- name: cable
type: select
bs3caption : Cable
selectvalue: 1000 kcmil
choices: [250 kcmil, 500 kcmil , 1000 kcmil]
- type: div
class: col-md-4
- name: shield
type: select
bs3caption : Concentric neutral conductivity
selectvalue: 1/6
choices: [1/3, 1/6, 1/12]
- type: div
class: row
- type: div
class: col-md-4
- name: ductSpacing
type: number
step: 1
min: 0.0
bs3caption : Duct spacing, in
value: 7.0
- type: div
class: col-md-4
- name: neutral
type: select
bs3caption : Separate neutral
selectvalue: none
choices: [none, 250 kcmil, 500 kcmil , 1000 kcmil]
- type: div
class: col-md-4
- name: neutralLocation
type: select
bs3caption : Neutral location
selectvalue: "2"
choices: ["1", "2", "3", "4"]
#: name=ac
name: [250 kcmil, 500 kcmil , 1000 kcmil]
R: [0.0435,0.0229,0.0132]
GMR: [0.216,0.305,0.435]
GMRs: [0.5075,0.6125,0.7825]
neutralLocation = neutralLocation - 1
shieldMultiplier = Number(shield.substring(2))
rho = 100
Rshort = 1e-5
sq = function(x) {
return x * x;
Yaddline = function(Y, Zseries, from, to) {
var n = Zseries.x.length - 1;
var Yseries = Zseries.inv();
Y.setBlock([from,from], [from+n,from+n], Y.getBlock([from,from], [from+n,from+n]).add(Yseries)); // diagonal
Y.setBlock([to,to], [to+n,to+n], Y.getBlock([to,to], [to+n,to+n]).add(Yseries));
Y.setBlock([from,to], [from+n,to+n], Y.getBlock([from,to], [from+n,to+n]).sub(Yseries)); // off diagonal
Y.setBlock([to,from], [to+n,from+n], Y.getBlock([to,from], [to+n,from+n]).sub(Yseries));
return Y;
Yaddshunt = function(Y, Rshunt, i) {
Y.set([i, i], Y.get([i, i]).add(numeric.t(1/Rshunt, 0.0)))
return Y;
De= 25920*math.sqrt(rho/60)
r_e= 0.01807
cidx = _.indexOf(, cable)
nidx = _.indexOf(, neutral)
findZc = function(x,y) {
var dist = function(i,j){return math.sqrt(sq(x[i] - x[j]) + sq(y[i] - y[j]))}
var Zc = numeric.t(numeric.identity(7), numeric.identity(7))
// fill in the off diagonals
for (var j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
for (var k = j+1; k < 7; k++) {
if (dist(j,k) != 0.0) {
Zc.x[j][k] = Zc.x[k][j] = r_e
Zc.y[j][k] = Zc.y[k][j] = 0.0529 * math.log10(De/dist(j,k))
// phases
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
Zc.x[i][i] = ac.R[cidx] + r_e
Zc.y[i][i] = 0.0529 * math.log10(De/ac.GMR[cidx])
// phase-to-concentrics
Zc.x[i][i+3] = Zc.x[i+3][i] = r_e
Zc.y[i][i+3] = Zc.y[i+3][i] = 0.0529 * math.log10(De/ac.GMR[cidx])
// concentrics
for (var i = 3; i < 6; i++) {
Zc.x[i][i] = shieldMultiplier * ac.R[cidx] + r_e
Zc.y[i][i] = 0.0529 * math.log10(De/ac.GMR[cidx])
// neutral
if (nidx >= 0) {
Zc.x[6][6] = ac.R[nidx] + r_e
Zc.y[6][6] = 0.0529 * math.log10(De/ac.GMR[nidx])
} else {
Zc.x[6][6] = 1e7
return Zc
findY = function(Zc) {
// make the Ybus from the impedances
var Y = numeric.t(numeric.rep([14,14], 0.0), numeric.rep([14,14], 0.0))
Y = Yaddline(Y,Zc,0,7)
// add the shunt grounds
for (var i = 3; i < 7; i++) {
Y = Yaddshunt(Y,Rshort,i)
Y = Yaddshunt(Y,Rshort,i+7)
// connections to phases to avoid numeric problems
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
Y = Yaddshunt(Y,1/Rshort,i)
Y = Yaddshunt(Y,1/Rshort,i+7)
return Y
// make I
Isrc = numeric.t(numeric.rep([14], 0), numeric.rep([14], 0))
Isrc.x[0] = 100; Isrc.y[0] = 0
Isrc.x[1] = -50; Isrc.y[1] = -86.6
Isrc.x[2] = -50; Isrc.y[2] = 86.6
Isrc.x[7] = -100; Isrc.y[7] = 0
Isrc.x[8] = 50; Isrc.y[8] = 86.6
Isrc.x[9] = 50; Isrc.y[9] = -86.6
// Flat config
// Fill the cable impedance matrix
l = ac.GMR[cidx]
if (nidx >= 0) {
l2 = ac.GMR[nidx]
} else {
l2 = 5
x = [0,ductSpacing,2*ductSpacing,0,ductSpacing,2*ductSpacing,neutralLocation*ductSpacing+l+l2]
y = numeric.rep([7], 0)
Zc = findZc(x,y)
Y = findY(Zc)
// Find the voltages:
V = Y.inv().dot(Isrc)
// Find the line currents:
Yc = Zc.inv()
I = V.getBlock([0],[6]).sub(V.getBlock([7],[13])).dot(Yc)
Iabs = I.abs().x
// Triangular config
// Fill the cable impedance matrix
x2 = [-l, l, 0, -l, l, 0, 0]
y2 = [ 0, 0, 1.73*l, 0, 0, 1.73*l, -l-l2]
Zc2 = findZc(x2,y2)
Y2 = findY(Zc2)
// Find the voltages:
V2 = Y2.inv().dot(Isrc)
// Find the line currents:
Yc2 = Zc2.inv()
I2 = V2.getBlock([0],[6]).sub(V2.getBlock([7],[13])).dot(Yc2)
Iabs2 = I2.abs().x
println("Concentric neutral currents = " +,6), function(i){return Math.round(Iabs[i])}) + " %")
println("Seperate neutral current = " + Math.round(Iabs[6]) + " %")
println("Concentric neutral currents = " +,6), function(i){return Math.round(Iabs2[i])}) + " %")
println("Seperate neutral current = " + Math.round(Iabs2[6]) + " %")
All conductors are copper.
Cables are 100% insulation, 15-kV class.
The loading on each phase is balanced.
The earth resistivity is 100 ohm-m.
Neutrals at each end of the cable are perfectly grounded.
For the case with cables in separate ducts, the optional neutral can be placed in any of the cable ducts or in a separate duct (location 4).